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Hit List - Paper 2


“Predicted the unpredictable 100% for the 14th time in a row (2009-2022)”


SHORT NOTES (10 markers)

  1. Sanskritization and Westernization

  2. Orthogenetic and heterogenetic factors of social change

  3. Universalization and Parochialisation

  4. Little tradition and Great tradition

  5. Book view Vs field view

  6. Homohierarchicus / Purity and Pollution (Louis Dumont)

  7. Anti-Brahmanical movements during the colonial period

  8. Can class replace caste in India?

  9. Continuing untouchability today

  10. Dominant Caste and politics (Vote banks)

  11. Reservation/Protective discrimination/Women’s reservation

  12. Caste among non-Hindus

  13. Sociology of Inter caste marriages / Caste conflicts / Honor killing

  14. Marriage as sacrament’ and ‘marriage as contract.

  15. North Indian Vs South Indian kinship system

  16. Industrial class structure -Working class mobilization/industrial strife’s

  17. Feudalism Semi feudalism and capitalism in Indian agriculture

  18. Definitional problems of tribes -Tribal diversity

  19. Changing tribal stratification- Emergence of classes among tribes

  20. Tribal policies- Integration/Assimilation of Tribes – Problem of Tribal identity/tribal autonomy

  21. Tribes and Caste – Comparison/continuum

  22. Tribalization and religious conversion of tribes Particularly vulnerable tribal groups

  23. Development induced displacement of tribes /rural landless farmers

  24. The myth of village self-sufficiency– M.N.Srinivas/Andre Beteille/S.C.Dube

  25. House hold dimensions and family in India

  26. Regional variations in kinship

  27. Lineage and descent

  28. Increasing divorce today

  29. Changing gender roles today

  30. Idea of developmental planning and Mixed economy

  31. Reproductive health / Child and Infant mortality/Maternity Benefit Act 2016.

  32. Rising  women’s age of marriage to 21

  33. Feminization of Ageing

  34. Malnutrition

  35. Son meta preference and declining child sex ratio

  36. Problems of bondage

  37. Caste in cities /Slums and social exclusion/inequalities

  38. Smart cities /urban displacement

  39. Urbanism as a way of life

  40. Rural -Urban continuum

  41. Women and migration

  42. Culture of poverty

  43. Rural poverty and rural development

  44. Globalization and Informalization of work.

  45. Feminization of work/agriculture

  46. Can Land reforms curb rural inequalities/poverty

  47. Issues in Doubling farmers income by 2022

  48. Child labor/Child labor Act 2016

  49. Child sexual abuse / POCSO Act 2012

  50. Social and Political Elites / New rural elites

  51. Pressure groups and Civil society in India influencing policies

  52. Need for democratic socialism/federalism/political democracy

  53. Welfare state and social security

  54. Citizenship and exclusion/discrimination (Citizenship Amendment Act 2019)

  55. Education and social mobility

  56. Educational inequalities / commercialization of Education

  57. Challenges before Girl’s education

  58. Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (Annihilation of caste) Vs Mahatma Gandhi on Caste / Varna / untouchability.

  59. Dalit capitalism.

  60. Rising Violence against Dalit /Atrocities Act 1989

  61. Rising caste conflicts between backward castes and Dalits today

  62. Subaltern perspective

  63. Structural factors i.e. Caste behind violence / Sexual Harassment against women / Nirbhaya judgement

  64. Shadow violence /Domestic violence during COVID 19/Domestic violence Act

  65. POSH Act

  66. Constitution, law and social change

  67. Equal laws for Women/Patriarchy and entitlements

  68. Triple talaq and Uniform civil code

  69. Intolerance in India today/Ban on cow slaughter

  70. Social consequences of market economy

  71. Generation gap /Youth unrest today

  72. Social media network/face book

  73. Media and democracy/patriarchy


LONG ANSWERS (20 markers) 

  1. Indology (G.S.Ghurye)

  2. Structure functionalism (M.N.Srinivas)

  3. A.R.Desai’s dialectical materialism/Indian Nationalism

  4. Colonial perspective of India as a backward society

  5. Modernization of Indian tradition – Coexistence of Tradition and Modernity

  6. Difference between Socio religious reform movement in India and renaissance in west

  7. Perspectives on the study of caste systems: Louis Dumont and Andre Beteille

  8. Family/Marriage Changes / crisis in India Today (Impact of Urbanization / Industrialization /Globalization/Live in relationship/Legalization of Homosexuality)

  9. Patriarchy and women – Changing status of women / Women’s movement for substantive equality

  10.  Globalization and New middle class in India today

  11. Changing Modes of Production in Indian Agriculture – Green revolution / Globalization / Capitalism

  12.  Programme of rural development, Community Development Programme, cooperatives

  13. Poverty, deprivation, inequalities and poverty alleviation schemes/multi-dimensional poverty and social exclusion

  14. Relation between Poverty and social structure (Gender, Caste, Tribe and religious minorities)

  15.  Globalization and rising inequalities/Poverty

  16. Regionalism and decentralization of power /PRI

  17. Demography and social structure – Constraints (Population policy/ Family planning)

  18.  Nature of Secularism – Threats today – Cultural/ Ethno/Hyper Nationalism

  19. Majoritarianism -Majoritarianism debate

  20.  Communalism, religious revivalism and Ethnic conflicts

  21. Uneven development/displacement induced development and Tribal unrest

  22. Farmers Suicide and Agrarian Unrest today

  23.  Backward Classes Movements in South India and North India

  24.  Dalit consciousness today and its challenges

  25. Ethnic discrimination /conflicts: Ethnicity and Identity movements

  26. New farmers movement today

  27. Crisis of development: displacement, environmental problems and sustainability

  28. Environmental movements /Global warming/Ecocentrism



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